The Royal Botanic Gardens are located near the Sydney Harbour, in Australia.

Australia is both a country and a continent with a mostly hot and dry climate. This type of climate can trigger devastating wildfires.

Emphasis is then put on growing plants that will not increase this risk. Efforts are also being made to promote growing native grasses instead of conventional lawns, as they require less water. Australia is an ideal land to practice xeriscaping, which is a growing technique that uses less water.

The Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens are easily accessible with public transit. The gardens are located on the Sydney Harbor, and cover around 75 acres. They were established 200 years ago.

In view of that country's climate challenges, there’s a section in the Royal Botanic Gardens that shows how to grow and maintain an ‘ecological’ lawn.

The Palace Rose Garden displays 1,700 (as of 2013) different rose varieties. Tips are offered on how to grow them in a sustainable way.

About the leaning Cook pine below - scientists have found that this species responds to its location relative to the Equator and will tilt toward it.

Welcome to the Royal Botanic Gardens! - Sydney, Australia
Flapjacks, Royal Botanic Gardens - Sydney, Australia
Ecological grasses - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Ecological grasses
Hunter statue with dogs - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Hunter with dogs
Better lawn maintenance - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Better lawn maintenance
Cook pine leaning towards Equator - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Leaning Cook pine
Using native grasses - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Using native grasses
Lotus pond - Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, Australia
Lotus pond
Red flowers - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Red flowers
The Palace Rose Garden - Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, Australia
The Palace Rose Garden
Red roses - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Red roses
Rose borders - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Rose borders
Shrub roses - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Shrub roses
The rose garden - Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, Australia
The rose garden
Growing roses in a sustainable way - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Growing roses in a sustainable way
Rows of climbing roses - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Climbing roses rows
'Floating' Tropical Centre Glasshouse - Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
'Floating' Tropical Centre Glasshouse
Heart-warming bouquet, oil painting of yellow, orange and red flowers by Clemence St. Laurent

To enjoy beautiful painted flowers and landscapes, please visit this website:

Climate change is bring special challenges to eastern Australia in terms of devastating fires. Any measures to make a garden and a landscape more fire resistant will be very helpful.